Connection Timeout Expired
connection timeout expired

All pooled connections are in use.By creating new Windows Server 2016 operating systems and configuring Alwayson( 2 replicas) for SQL 2016 servers with multiple Availability Groups, we just completed a side-by-side migration from SQL Server 2008R2 Standalone databases (30 DB’s) to SQL Server 2016.When accessing community logout URL after Salesforce session timeout redirects user to Salesforce Home page. Stack Trace: Inner exception type: MySqlConnector.MySqlException Message: Connect Timeout expired. Is there something that we are missing and need to do to make sure that the connection is returned to the pool after getting some of the command timeout or server errors We are using MySqlConnector 1.3.8.

The timeout period elapsed while attempting to consume the pre-login handshake acknowledgement. The duration spent while attempting to connect to this server was - Pre-Login initialization543 handshake29466 (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)Class11 ErrorCode-2146232060 HResult-2146232060 LineNumber0 MessageConnection Timeout Expired. This could be because the pre-login handshake failed or the server was unable to respond back in time. The timeout period elapsed while attempting to consume the pre-login handshake acknowledgement.

There was a problem with communication between the SQL Server instance and the Windows Server Failover Cluster. ALL DATABASES ARE SYNCHRONIZED AND ARE AVAILABLE ONLINE.Using sys.sysprocesses, I checked if any connections were being made to databases, and I noticed that application connections were being made to the database server.As a result, I informed the application team, who responded that they had restarted their application services and that database connectivity was now working properly.I checked the SQL Server Error Log and found the following messages:SQL Server hosting availability group ‘XXX’ did not receive a process event signal from the Windows Server Failover Cluster within the lease timeout period.The lease between the Windows Server Failover Cluster and availability group ‘AVG1’ has come to an end. The app team confirmed that everything is working as intended and that everything is fine.After one week, I received a call from the application team (in the middle of the night) stating that they were experiencing connectivity issues when connecting to databases.The Primary Availability Groups alwayson Dashboard seems HEATHY and GREEN when I signed in and verified the database server.

The user is not required to take any action.Remote harden of transaction ‘user transaction’ (ID 0x000000002af6b5b4 0001:99ea0a50) in database ‘XXX’ at LSN (7544210:90297:16) initiated at 1:46AM failed.Stopped listening on virtual network name ‘LISTN1’. This is a purely informative message. See the SQL Server error log, the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) administrative panel, or the WSFC log for further details.Always On Availability Groups connection to secondary database ‘DAB1’ on availability replica ‘Nod1’ with Replica ID: 95d2878a-3fe0-48bf-aa2a-a41805fda786 has been terminated. The lease between the local availability replica and Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) has expired, hence the state has changed.

connection timeout expired

This is a purely informative message. Later, try the operation again.A connection for availability group ‘AVG1’ has been successfully created between availability replica ‘Nod1’ with id and ‘Nod2’ with id. Only when the database replica is in the PRIMARY or SECONDARY role is it possible to connect to an availability database. There is no need for the user to take any action.Not Unable to access availability database ‘DAB1’ because the database replica is not in the PRIMARY or SECONDARY role.

...connection timeout expiredconnection timeout expired