Watch deep blue chess win
Watch deep blue chess win

In the latter game he had the advantage of playing with the white pieces, which allowed him to move first. Kasparov said he was unable to maintain his concentration today because of his resignation in the second game on May 4 and the fact he was forced into a draw in the fifth game on Saturday. Kasparov won the first game, Deep Blue the second, and the two agreed upon draws in the third, fourth and fifth. "I was playing against myself and something I couldn't recognize," he said.ĭeep Blue won the match 3 1/2-2 1/2. To make matters worse for him, Kasparov said his efforts to change his playing style - sometimes trying to trick the computer and other times substituting his usual aggressive style for a more measured approach - essentially backfired. David Levy, vice president of International Computer Chess Association. "We have a machine here that is truly remarkable. It was akin to surprising Kasparov with volleys and drop-shots across the chessboard. Instead, the computer dazzled spectators - and Kasparov himself - with its ability to develop strategies as a human player would. Deep Blue, which can evaluate 200 million possible moves each second, was expected to play a brute-force sort of game, like a tennis player smashing only powerful shots across the court. Deep Blue's strong performance surprised many of them, who expected Kasparov to be able to trick the computer by playing unconventional moves.īut exactly the opposite happened. Other computer and chess experts here disagreed, predicting Deep Blue and its progeny will regularly be able to defeat the world's top players. He apologized for his performance and his hasty exit, saying he felt "ashamed by what I did at the end of this match." At the same time, he said his loss "has nothing to do with the computer being unbeatable." Kasparov, who had never lost a match until today, said he "cracked under the pressure" of playing the computer. "And when a big corporation with unlimited resources would like to do so, there are many ways to achieve the result. It was zeal to beat Garry Kasparov," he said. of building a machine specifically to defeat him. Kasparov, in a postgame news conference, accused International Business Machines Corp. "We have a machine here that is truly remarkable," said David Levy, the vice president of the International Computer Chess Association. "This was the single most historic event in the history of chess," said Daniel Edelman, a grandmaster and an editor of the American Chess Journal. Most chess experts here said Kasparov, who appeared frustrated from the start of today's game, likely would have been conquered by the computer within a few moves. NEW YORK, May 11 - In a stunning showdown between man and machine, the IBM supercomputer Deep Blue decisively beat world chess champion Garry Kasparov today, the first time a computer has been able to defeat the best human player in a match.Ī visibly upset Kasparov stormed out of the small match room after only about an hour of play, effectively resigning the sixth - and final - game with a scant 19 moves played. Review each move on a graphical chess board: To return, use the Back button on your browser. See a picture and biography of Garry Kasparov.Įditor's Note: Some of the above links will take you out of The Post's Web site.Read answers to frequently asked questions about Deep Blue.In honor of Deep Blue's victory, Yahoo has commissioned it to write its "Picks of the Week" page. In Game 1, Deep Blue's aggressive playing style left little room for error.Style writer Joel Achenbach argues Deep Blue isn't that smart.Read The Post's editorial about Kasparov's Game 1 defeat.The majority of you incorrectly chose Kasparov! Oh well, better luck next game. Over the past week, we asked you to bet on who would win the match: human or computer. Then click your browser's "Back" button twice and enter the discussion.) Is it possible for computers to think? Join a discussion on artificial intelligence.

Watch deep blue chess win